Resource Links and Forms
Psychiatric Advance Directives
A Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) is a written legal document that expresses the wishes of an individual about their mental health care regarding what types of treatments, services and other assistance he or she might want, or not want, during a personal mental health crisis.
Click here for detailed information and resources for Psychiatric Advance Directives including forms and instructions.
New Jersey Resources
The New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services serves individuals and with mental health and/or substance abuse problems and assists their family members.
The Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma was formed to combat mental health stigma as a top priority in New Jersey’s effort to create a better mental health system. Through outreach and education, the Council sends a message that mental health stigma must no longer be tolerated.
ReachNJ, New Jersey’s Addiction Helpline is a central call-in line for New Jersey residents who are looking for help with a substance use disorder (SUD). Each call to ReachNJ is answered by a live person in the first 30 seconds. Trained staff will screen callers to identify their exact needs, are able to provide referrals to supportive services and a seamless connection to a local treatment provider. ReachNJ serves NJ residents of all ages regardless of insurance status or ability to pay.
Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey, Inc. (CSP-NJ) is a private not-for-profit organization. The agency is directed, managed and staffed through the collaborative efforts of mental health consumers, survivors, and non-consumers. CSP-NJ strives to provide individualized, flexible community-based services that promote responsibility, recovery, and wellness. This is done through the creation and administration of self-help centers, supportive housing, advocacy and entrepreneurial programs for adults with mental health issues and other special needs.
Community Health Law Project provides legal and advocacy services, training, education, and related activities to persons with disabilities and chronic health conditions and, in certain issues, to organizations representing their interests, with an emphasis on those most vulnerable and needy.
Disability Rights New Jersey is New Jersey’s designated Protection and Advocacy agency under federal law. They advance the human, civil, and legal rights of persons with disabilities and promote their self-determination, independence, productivity and integration into all facets of community life.
Mental Health America, the Mental Health Association in New Jersey’s national organization, is driven by its commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need them; with recovery as the goal.